What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

Contact lenses can be a great way to improve your vision and give you more freedom than glasses. But before you make the switch, it is best to understand what goes into a contact lens fitting appointment. 

Do You Want to Make the Switch to Contact Lenses?


To decide if contact lenses are appropriate, your eye doctor will first inspect your eyes. If so, they will advise you on the best lenses based on your lifestyle and eyesight requirements. They will then measure your eyes to ensure the lenses fit correctly. 

That entails applying a test lens to your eye to assess comfort and vision. Finally, they will show you how to put your lenses in, take them out, and take care of them. Your eye doctor might also advise you on how to wear them comfortably.

What Is a Contact Lens Fitting?


If you are new to contacts, getting your lenses fitted may seem like an intimidating procedure. However, receiving the ideal set of lenses for your eyes is a relatively straightforward process. Here is what to anticipate during a contact lens fitting:

Making an appointment with an ophthalmologist or optometrist is the first step. During this session, they will do a thorough eye exam to assess whether you are a good candidate for contact lenses. If so, they will measure your eyes to determine what kind and size of lens will work best for you.

Then, until you discover the ideal fit, your ophthalmologist or optometrist will have you try on various types and sizes of lenses. Getting the proper fit may take some time to avoid discomfort or irritation. The optometrist will give you information on how to care for and insert your new lenses.

The Steps of a Contact Lens Fitting





Consultations with your eye doctor are the first step in locating the ideal pair of contact lenses. The doctor will evaluate your lifestyle, daily activities, and visual requirements during this period. They will also ask whether you have allergies or other conditions that could affect your chosen lenses.

Creating a Customized Contact Lens Experience


You can choose the frequency of lens replacements that works best for you from a selection of alternatives available. Your eye doctor will assist you in identifying the best option to suit your needs. 

Choosing between rigid gas permeable and soft lenses is another crucial choice you must make. You and your doctor will review each choice's advantages and disadvantages.

Accurate Measuring


Measuring the curvature of your cornea will help your eye doctor get the ideal fit for your contact lenses. After all, no two eyes are the same. Your eye doctor will accurately measure your cornea using laser technology or handheld tools. 

Assessing the Tear Film


Having a healthy tear film is essential for using contact lenses. This layer helps maintain the moisture in your lenses and guards against discomfort, dryness, or irritation. Your eye doctor will conduct a quick, painless tear film evaluation.

Trial Lenses


You will get to test a pair of trial lenses before deciding on a pair of contact lenses. The fit, positioning, and comfort of the lenses will be apparent even though these lenses do not contain your prescription.

It is best to break down everything that happens during the process, so you know what to expect. For those who struggle with vision issues and need corrective lenses, a contact lens fitting is an essential part of their journey to better sight.

For more on contact lenses, visit Eyecare Galleria at our Brentwood, California office. Call (925) 240-8520 to schedule an appointment today.

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